
UNTIL the beginning of 2020 we thought we could be self-sufficient thanks to the relentless technological developments of the last fifty years, however Covid-19 has been...

November 01 2021 | by

WORLD Animal Day has been celebrated every year on October 4th since 1925. On this day animal life in all its forms is celebrated and special events are planned at different locations the world over. October 4th was originally chosen because it is the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, a nature lover and the patron saint of animals and the environment...

October 01 2021 | by

ON OCTOBER 9, 2016, Fr. Ernest Simoni, an octogenarian Albanian Franciscan priest was watching Pope Francis on TV during the Sunday Angelus when he heard the Holy Father mention his name among the list of cardinals he intended to create the following month...

September 01 2021 | by

I HAVE recently busied myself with the huge amount of information published by Oxfam International on the growing gap between the rich and the poor...

July 01 2021 | by

THERE is a painting at the National Gallery in London of which I am particularly fond. It shows Saint Anthony with his fellow friars distributing loaves of bread to the poor at the entrance of a church...

June 01 2021 | by

I’M SURE you have seen the 1964 musical film My Fair Lady at least once. The movie depicts a poor Cockney flower-seller named Eliza who takes speech lessons from a phonetics professor so that she may pass as a lady in the high society of Edwardian London. After a few weeks of daily hard lessons, Eliza becomes so fed up with her speech teacher that she exclaims (or better sings), “Words! Words! Words! I’m so sick of words.”

May 01 2021 | by
