DEAR friend, at the beginning of each New Year, as tradition dictates, we offer and receive wishes for prosperity, happiness, love and all good things for the days to come...
DEAR friend, Christmas is fast approaching. We can feel it in the air; we can see it in the decorated trees in our towns and cities, in the shops and in the gardens…
DEAR friend, I am reading Long Walk to Freedom, the famous autobiography by Nelson Mandela, who exactly 60 years ago, on 5 August 1963, was arrested and later sentenced to prison...
DEAR friends, in the English language the word war comes from a Germanic root, werso, which means chaos. We should certainly not be surprised by this, because war has always created chaos, even before human beings began to write their history.
DEAR friend, the Rector of the Basilica is often asked for a friar to travel to a diocese in Italy or abroad with a Relic of St. Anthony so that the many people who cannot afford to come to Padua might have the opportunity to venerate their dear Saint. Two or three times a year I also happen to be Saint Anthony’s travelling companion. Now you may not believe it, but one of the questions I am most often asked by the faithful is whether I believe in miracles or not...