
FR. ALBERTO, besides being the youngest friar in our community, is also an accomplished violinist, and often plays in the Basilica during Solemn Masses...

April 01 2021 | by

PRESIDENTS, states, famous people, military heroes and cities are favorite choices for street names. Descriptive names such as Lake, Main, Church and Station are also very often used as well as historical names...

March 01 2021 | by

BARELY able to raise his hand, a 90-year-old man beckoned to the doctor who was about to place an oxygenation helmet upon him. He told the doctor that he did not want them to waste time and energy on him...

February 01 2021 | by

I HAD been ordained a priest for just over a year when, at the end of 1985, I was sent to our friary in Como, in northern Italy, to help my fellow friars during the Christmas celebrations...

January 01 2021 | by

TWO days ago I went to see a Christmas play called Empty Hands in the company of a woman who works with me at the Messenger of Saint Anthony...

December 01 2020 | by

ROCK climbing, of the type you see in this photo, will always be an impossible dream for me. This is not because I’m afraid of heights, but because I’m out of training, and my physical condition, partly due to my age, leaves a great deal to be desired...

November 01 2020 | by
